MASTER GARDENERS: Sage has global appeal and is thriving in West Texas



By Emmy Ulmschneider

Master gardener

You may not be familiar with the Artemisia genus, but head west from Midland and see the silver-gray sage that is so common in our arid western landscapes. Artemisia is a large genus (200-400 species) in the Asteraceae family that includes sunflowers and daisies. Wherever it thrives, it has a long and close association with human cultures around the world that have made use of its aromatic, medicinal and culinary properties. If you have used culinary tarragon in cooking, smelled a burning bundle of sage or tasted the absinthe liqueur or the aperitif vermouth, you have experienced this plant. Before we dive into how this plant is grown in our gardens, let’s learn about its history.

Artemisia, the silver-gray sage, is widespread in our arid western landscapes. The genus is named after Artemis, Apollo’s twin sister and the Greek goddess of the hunt and wilderness. (Courtesy photo)

The genus is named after Artemis, Apollo’s twin sister and the Greek goddess of the hunt and wilderness. From China to the Middle East and Europe, members of this widespread genus have been used as a culinary flavor and medicinally for a variety of ailments. The North American natives used white sage, Artemisia ludoviciana, both as a medicinal plant and as a ceremonial plant for purification and purification. Their color enlivens a Christmas wreath or garland.

In such a large genus there are the good, the bad, and the ugly species. One variety, Powis Castle, is widespread in our area and received the 1993 Garden Merit Award from the Royal Horticultural Society. Like most artemisias, Powis Castle is valued for its silvery-white foliage, aromatic scent, and ease of cultivation. It grows as a silvery mound, 1-3 “tall, and can spread from 3-6” if not trimmed. It’s perfect for poor, dry soil and full sun, but tolerates shade.

On the other side of the spectrum are the varieties of our native Artemisia, Artemisia ludoviciana, such as Silver King and Silver Queen. They are grown for their texture and color, which provide a 2 to 3 inch tall silvery-white contrast to the plants around them. They thrive in difficult conditions: dry, flat soils. They don’t work well in damp, wet soils and become leggy and limp.

Artemisia in general provides food and cover for our native wildlife, including small mammals, deer, and birds. In our gardens they provide nesting material and structure for native bees and pollinators.

So, if you could use a contrasting color in an existing bed or a ground cover in a hot, hard-to-grow place, as well as a connection to the past, this is the plant for you.

For more information, call the AgriLife office at 498-4071 in Odessa or at 686-4700 in Midland or visit or


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