Flowers to add color to your garden all year round | entertainment news

Planning a garden of any size can be challenging, so consider answering a few questions before you begin. Do you grow food or is it just a decorative space? Is there enough sunshine, is the soil well fertilized and is there enough space for the plants? It is also good to consider what arrangement will encourage all plants to grow and flourish and what will look best. And with all the hard work that goes into gardening, why not enjoy a garden that looks beautiful all year round?

Spring in the garden is wonderful – seeing flowers full of color and growth four or five months out of the year is something every gardener looks forward to – but what about the other eight months? To avoid looking at a piece of empty, still ground for so long, a little planning can go a long way.

To help in learning this process, Angy has compiled a list of 10 types of flowers that produce colorful blooms at different times throughout the year, including flowers that bloom during the traditionally colorless winter months. From bright summer flowers like hibiscus to early winter wonders like crocus, each of these plants does their part to keep any garden visually interesting at any time of the year.

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